Sara Lamie - Physical Therapist

What year did you begin your relationship at High Horses? Joined as a staff member in February 2019.

How did you become involved with High Horses? The previous physical therapist at High Horses introduced me to this opportunity as she was moving on to other adventures. I was working with her outside of this setting.

What is your educational background? Bachelor of Science in Psychology 2006, Doctorate of Physical Therapy 2009, Yoga Teacher 200-hr certification 2022

What are your current or previous career highlights? I have worked as a physical therapist in hospital-based orthopedic outpatient settings, as well as a brief time in geriatrics for the first ~9 years of my career. In 2019, I left the clinic setting and began a private cash-based practice, where I was able to venture into spaces often missed by our medical system, including prevention and educational workshops, group fitness, and yoga, as well as treating private PT clients.

What are your credentials related to equine-assisted services? I completed my Level 1 HPOT training (providing PT with the movement and presence of our equine partners) in Fall 2019

What therapeutic credentials do you have outside the realm of equine-assisted services? Yoga teacher from an Ashtanga background, group fitness/aerobics instructor

What impact do you see with equine-assisted services? A truly transformational experience with involvement of mind, body, and spirit. It goes far beyond the unique nature and effect of equine movement on the client, and the ways we can use that in PT to improve physical function. The “horse magic” of this client-equine relationship serves to deepen and enrich any physical gains that are made through PT. Emotional regulation, a neuromuscular connection between horse and human, a sense of love/gratitude/compassion all combine to create such a unique experience that is holistic. Clients feel empowered, build confidence, and feel supported by this wonderful community of human and equine staff and volunteers.

Did you grow up around horses? Do you currently have horses? No, my first introduction to horses was at High Horses. I wasn’t sure how I would feel or if it would be a good fit for me, but after shadowing and observing, and getting a little one-on-one time with a horse, I knew this was something I needed to be involved with.

Where did you grow up? I am originally from Lewiston, Maine, but have lived and worked in the Upper Valley since 2006, when I began PT school in Concord.

What are some of your favorite non-horse or therapy-related hobbies? Reading, Hiking, Paddleboarding, going to the beach or lake (rivers are not my thing, growing up in Maine), camping, and strength training.

If a horse from High Horses could speak, who are they, and what would they say? Bubi would say “slurp, drool, cough, snort; We goin’ outside? How ‘bout now? When are we goin’ outside? cough, slobber, nibble”